On March 10, an intriguing event awaits for the Izmail citizens of city – the visit of a martial arts legend and a Hollywood star – Cynthia Rothrock. The meeting with the American guest will take place at Ismail State University of Humanities. There’s a press conference at 4:00 PM. Formal presentation of the celebrity will be followed by a closed seminar held in the gymnasium of the university, which will be attended by athletes from Izmail, Bolgrad, Artziz, Kiliya, Reni, engaged in different types of martial arts.
This is her first visit to Ukraine. Meetings are also scheduled for March 8 in the South Ukrainian Mykolaiv region and March 9 in Odessa.
The seminar is organized by the President of the Sokarate Federation of Ukraine and the Full contact Karate Union of Ukraine, Mr. Oleg Shilayaev. The general partner of the event is the Public Organization “Bessarabia Development Center”, founded by Mr. Victor Kurtiev who invited this famous actress and a sportswoman.
Background. Cynthia Rothrock (born March 8, 1957) started her career at the age of 13 and was five-time American karate Champion in the category of kata with weapons.
She had no match for kata with a broad two-ends Chinese sword, a sixth, a nine-parts Chinese steel whip chain, a Chinese metal fan, and a Japanese firearm.
In the 1980s, Cynthia Rothrock was contracted by Goldenharvest, lived in Hong Kong and was filmed, while training in various Eastern martial arts schools. There, she became the first foreigner to compete with Asian martial arts masters. The girl worked alongside Bolo Yeung in the film “Tiger’s Claw”.
Cynthia returned to her homeland as one of Hong Kong’s most famous film actresses. In the United States, Cynthia Rothrock continued acting in action films. From 1985 to the present, she has been involved in more than 50 films.
Currently, she teaches martial arts at the film studios in the suburbs of Los Angeles, owns several sports clubs, and comments on martial arts competitions.