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Bessarabian Games. Spring-2019

On 19 and 20 April in the Sports Hall of the Kamenka village, Izmail District the “Bessarabian Games. Spring 2019” sport and athletic context took place. 120 sportsmen from 5 districts of Odessa Region arrived to participate in the event. It was the second time when the initiator and the general sponsor of the Bessarabian Games has become “Bessarabia Development Center” Public Organization.

During the next two days the teams from Kulevchy, Ogoronoe, Kyrnychky, Kamenka, Krynychnoe, Ostrovnoe, Kholmskoe, Karakurt villages and Izmail have been competing in six sports: volleyball, swimming, table tennis, tug-of-war and shot put (the last one was added to the spring games program).

In the team scoring the 1st prize was won by the hosts of the competitions – the sportsmen from the Kamenka village. In the specific sports, namely, tug-of-war and table tennis, the sportsmen from Izmail were the strongest ones. Our sportsmen took the second and the third prizes in shot put and volleyball.

As the co-founder of the “Bessarabia Development Center’ PO, Mr. Victor Kurtiev mentioned, in the past year the “Bessarabian Games” contest was held for the first time in the Kamenka village and it was noted that the youth was interested in. This is why it is necessary to arrange for this event on the regular basis.

“We wish that as much people could be able to go in for sport as possible and that is why we will do our best to attract participants from the more far-away regions”, said Mr. Kurtiev.

The female participant from Kulevychy village, Ms. Albina Popova shared her impressions about the sport contest (the team from her village participates in the event for the first time and has given a fine account of them by taking the third place): “We were welcomed so well. The sports and athletic contest was on a decent level, everything was fine, except for minor organizational errors. But in general the competitions turned out to be very fun. Thanks to all organizers for the invitation!”

Mr. Vasiliy Plachinta from the Orlovka village, Reni District said that he got a real pleasure from participation in the “Bessarabian Games”: “I was glad meeting here many friends from the University. I was happy to see them. I’d like to thank my team “Orlovky” for giving me an opportunity to defend the honor of my village. I am thankful to our team play as well to the sponsors of the competitions and all people who participated in. I got the second place in the table tennis and the fifth place in the volleyball.”

Before going back home after the championship, the guys exchanged their contacts and promised to return to Kamenka village next time to participate in the next “Bessarabian games”.